Early Learning Resource Center

Early Learning Resource Centers (ELRCs) are the hub of child care information in your area. ELRCs provide you and your family with information on quality child care and personalized child care referrals to child care providers based on your specific needs or preferences. ELRCs also administer the Child Care Works subsidized child care program. If you have child care questions and needs, contact the ELRC for your local area or call the Child Care Works Helpline at 1-877-4-PA-KIDS.

Blair/Cambria County
Early Learning Resource Center
for Region 6
1010 12th Street, Suite 2
Altoona, PA 16601
Phone: (814) 623-9129
Toll-Free: 1-800-323-9997
Fax: (814) 623-1444

Department of Human Services

Daycare Center regulations and licensing regulations are implemented and overseen by the Department of Human Services

PA Compass: COMPASS is an online tool for Pennsylvanians to apply for many health and human service programs and manage benefit information.

Early Intervention Services

Cambria County Mental Health and Mental Retardation: Offers quality behavioral health services.

Central Park Complex

110 Franklin Street 400 Suite

Johnstown, PA 15901 814-535-8531

Other Resources

Pennsylvania Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children

The Pennsylvania Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) has improved the nutrition and health of families in Pennsylvania since 1974 by providing nutrition services, breastfeeding support, health care and social service referrals, and healthy foods. Through WIC, pregnant women, mothers, and caregivers of infants and young children learn about good nutrition to keep themselves and their families healthy!

Who is Eligible for WIC?

  • WIC serves the following Pennsylvania residents:

  • Pregnant women.

  • Breastfeeding women, for up to one year postpartum.

  • Women up to six months postpartum, who are not breastfeeding.

  • Infants and children under 5 years old, including foster children.

These residents must also meet WIC income guidelines, which is 185 percent of the poverty level set by the federal government and is based on household size. They must also have a medical or nutritional risk, which is determined at the WIC certification appointment. There are many qualifying risks. Some examples include: anemia, underweight, overweight, premature baby and pregnancy complications.

How do I Apply?

To apply for WIC, call the toll-free WIC Hotline 1-800-WIC-WINS to be connected to WIC office staff that will answer your questions and schedule your appointment, or get started online! Once your appointment is scheduled, please take time to review the list of required items needed for your initial visit to the WIC office.

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

Good nutrition today means a stronger tomorrow! Building for the Future with CACFP.

Our center is PROUD to receive support from the Child and Adult Care Food Program to serve healthy meals to your children. Meals served here must meet USDA’s nutrition standards.

Learn more about CACFP at USDA’s website: https://www.fns.usda.gov/