BIG NEWS from Start Smart Learning Center!

We’ve been chosen for an Expansion Grant through the Early Learning Resource Center

Thanks to our hardworking team, we’re growing!

This grant will allow us to:

  • Expand our capacity by 50+ spots

  • Add 10 more Quality Staff

  • Enhance our current programs

  • Offer even more options for families

Did you know? Start Smart Learning Center is the most affordable childcare center in the Keystone Area while maintaining the highest Quality Rating Standard! Plus, we’re the ONLY program that provides FREE breakfast, lunch, and snacks (including formula for infants ) to every child in our care!

Call us today to secure your spot and be part of a program that’s shaping the future of childcare in our community!



Enrollment Steps

We have had a lot of enrollment request recently so wanted to share our process for potential enrollments.

If you are interested in joining our facility please complete one of the following:

1. Go to www.startsmartlearningcenter.com and click on “Contact Us” complete the form and someone will reach out!

2. Email startsmartgallitzin@outlook.com with your name, child(ren)s name, age, date of birth, and the days/times you are looking for care. Someone will be in touch.

The contact will include a brief overview of the timeline we are looking at and an opportunity to schedule a tour/interview with the Center director.

An application must be completed before a child will be considered for enrollment and considered to be on the waitlist. Applications can be obtained at the tour/interview.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Preschool Program

Our 2021 Preschool Program will begin on Monday, August 30th! We are so excited to begin a new year with our little learners!

This program is available for children ages 3 through entrance into Kindergarten and available for 3 of 5 days per week. We focus on learning through play and kindergarten readiness, meeting all Pennsylvania Standards for Early Learning.

If you or someone you know are interested in preschool child please contact us!

Start Smart Learning Center Coronavirus Response

As always, the Health and Safety of our children, staff and families is our number one priority. It has always been and will continue to be our goal to be as transparent as possible regarding day to day operations. We know how important it is for parents to work, and we want to be able to support you to continue to be able to do that without interruption in care.

We have implemented several changes to our day to day operations to be able to best support children through these times. I have included several links to documents for review and reference. As is the coronavirus, our policies and procedures surrounding it are ever changing so please keep up to date with the most current guidance through our Brightwheel app and via our website!

Announcement C-20-08 PA OCDEL COVID 19 Operations for Licensed Child Care

Interim Guidance for Certified Child Care Facilities Operating during the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus Disease Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open (CDC)

Start Smart Learning Center earns Star 2 Designation

On May 18, 2020 Start Smart Learning Center earned a Star 2 Designation.

Keystone STARS (Standards, Training/Professional Development, Assistance, Resources, and Supports) is a quality rating system that promotes quality improvement in early learning and development programs and school-age child care. A Keystone STARS designation informs parents that their children are in a safe, respectful environment in which they are learning new things every day to support their current and future successes in school and in life.

Early learning programs participating in Keystone STARS can earn a quality rating score from a STAR 1 to a STAR 4. At each level, programs must meet certain quality standards in four key areas: staff education, learning environment, leadership/management, and family/community partnerships. The higher the STAR level, the higher the quality standards.

Start Smart Learning Center is exicted to continue to grow and develop into a High Quality Center providing the best possible care for our little learners!

For more information on the Keystone Stars Program visit:


A Letter Form the Owner Regarding Coronavirus

March 12, 2020

Dear Parents and Families of Start Smart Learning Center:

As you know, COVID-19, more commonly known as Coronavirus is present in Pennsylvania. In recent days,
several organizations across the state have cancelled or postponed events due
to coronavirus concerns. We, too, have been closely monitoring the situation. At
this time, we will remain open
. It has always been and will continue to
be our goal to be as transparent as possible regarding day to day operations. We
know how important it is for parents to work, and we want to be able to support
you to continue to be able to do that without interruption in care.

As per Governor Wolf’s announcement yesterday, March 12th all childcare facilities in MONTGOMERY
were instructed to cease operations effective today, March 13th
for a two week period, at which time the situation will be readdressed. If the
virus gets to Cambria County, or surrounding counties it is very likely that we
will be given the same directive.

As a result of the virus and in an effort to decrease the spread of disease we are reinforcing and/or implementing the following policies at Start Smart Learning Center.

We will not be able to accept any child  with ANY symptoms of cold or flu etc. until
they are 100 percent symptom free for 48 hours.

If any family member is experiencing ANY symptoms we will also ask
that you keep your child home. At this point since so little is known, If you
feel you need to ask if symptoms will be allowed, keep your child home.

No outside items will be permitted at the daycare, unless they are
necessary for caring for the child while in our care. We will allow lunches,
snacks, bottles, drinks. No other items will be permitted to be brought into
the center (i.e. toys, car seats, bookbags, diaper bags).

We will limit any and all visitors from entering the facility effective
Monday, March 16th. Only staff will be permitted in the childcare
area of the center. We will meet you at the door to accept your child, we will
assist them in taking their coat and shoes off and putting their things in
their cubbies. All children will wash their hands immediately upon entrance. Of
course parents continue to be welcome at our center, but to prevent the spread
of any potential disease we ask that you remain outside of the first inside

If a child is experiencing any symptoms, we will contact you to
pick them up and you will be required to do so within one hour. The child will
then be placed in isolation from other children at the center until their
departure. A doctors excuse will be required to return, and the child must be symptom
free for 48 hours.  

If we note any symptoms at drop off we will have to turn you away,
you will not be able to leave your child in our care if they are experiencing
any symptoms of cold/respiratory illness.

We are not making exceptions for any symptom of illness,
regardless of duration or severity. Again, this is for the safety of the
children in our care, staff providing care, and for the families that the
children will be going home to.

What steps are we taking?

We have reinforced our stringent policies regarding cleanliness and
continue to maintain a clean, safe, sanitary environment that exceeds
guidelines in place by licensing organizations and health departments,
including the CDC.

We will be sanitizing all surfaces that people touch with
increased frequency, using disinfectants certified to kill coronavirus.

We continue to emphasize and train employees to follow our strict
handwashing policies, which include requiring employees to wash hands at least
every 30 minutes for at least 20 seconds, with soap and water. We also require
them to wash hands after using the restroom, after touching their face, before
and after preparing and handling food, etc.

We are ensuring restrooms are stocked with hand soap and have hand
sanitizer in our facilities for children ages 24 months and up.

We are requiring employees to stay away who are not feeling well
and constantly monitoring staff throughout shifts to ensure they are healthy
and suited for interaction with children.

IN the event of a customer or staff person being diagnosed as
positive for COVID-19, or notifies that they have been in close proximity of
someone who has, we will escalate all procedures to sanitize our facilities and
re visit our plans to continue operations safely.

If we are forced to close, we will notify you as soon as we are
made aware of this and will keep you updated via Kinderlime throughout the
entire process. If you are not registered on the app please do so ASAP, contact
Liz with questions regarding this.

We are in constant communication with the local, state and
national authorities and are staying informed, aware and protected to the best
of our abilities. We are committed to thriving now, and in the future, and are
blessed with wonderful clients who are our greatest priority. Our focus remains
today, as it does every day, on all of those who allow us to share in providing
the best care possible for our children.   

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me directly
at elizabethhogue@outlook.com.

Thank You,

Elizabeth Hogue



October Fun!

October brings lots of fun to Start Smart Learning Center!

Here are some of the things we have planned!

October 2nd- School Pictures at 9AM

October 7th-11th- Fire Safety Week including a visit from the Gallitzin Volunteer Fire Company on October 11th

October 14th- Columbus Day!

October 18th- Field Trip to Valewood Farms!

October 23- PJ Party!

October 25th- Show and Tell

October 31st- Halloween Party!

The Future at Start Smart Learning Center

We are excited to move toward the future at Start Smart Learning Center! We have already started making some changes to the center including a “face lift” in our program areas. These changes will continue with new furniture, fixtures and paint. We will also be renovating the outside of the building by freshening up some landscape and replacing some fencing. 

As far as the care itself it is my goal as an owner to move up in Keystone Stars accreditation as quickly as possible. This program creates accountability for me as a director/owner as well as ensures a high quality of care for the children in our care. We have already purchased a curriculum for children which will be implemented with an overall goal to ensure kindergarten readiness and beyond. We are so excited to learn and grow with the children and families who utilize are care and are looking forward to bright future!